Objects as History


This bottle is made by great grandmother “Biji ” Swaran Kaur , before her marriage somewhere in 1935-36, in her parental home village “Pur Hiran “, Jalandhar, Punjab. It is a valuable possession that has been handed down from generation to generation. It represents a family tree. An arrangement of small toys and figurines in a vintage glass bottle made good 82 yrs back! There is a doll for each member of the family.

During those times girls were taught to acquire some skills like learning embroidery, knitting, colourful naala string making, soft cloth toys like “gudia” doll, cloth balls known as “Khuddo” , cooking paintings, bamboo basket known as “chabba” to keep rotis, parathas (today casserole) , jute mat durries, rajai quilt…,similarly such show items bottle to display their skills .This used to be the proud part of their dowry! to impress the would be in- laws !!

Note , This beautiful bottle needs focus and patience to systematically arrange and make just through a small opening on the top!

Also birds, flowers and plants are shown which tells the respect of nature and Eco friendly living. If you note minutely the figurines are well dressed and wearing jewellery, costumes which indicates taste and culture of that period. The colors on the plastic dolls have faded and the silver on the pearls almost look rusty which adds to the vintage look that is visible through the cloudy glass bottle.


Week 14

We worked on making the documentation video along with the rest of our submission. In the video we explained the themes that were common between the movies that we were told to watch . We also showed scenes from the movies were the objects and symbols that the movies revolved around were shown.